Things You Can and Cannot Put In Your Garbage Can.

Did you know that you can be fined up to $25,000 for putting a used flashlight battery in your garbage can? I don’t know if anyone has ever actually been fined that much for putting a battery in their garbage can, but the penalties for putting batteries and CFL or other florescent light bulbs in your garbage can can be huge. In California, it is illegal to put electronic products of any kind in your garbage can. This includes telephones, cell phones, radios, VCRs, DVD players, televisions, computer monitors, and microwave ovens. Electronic products like these contain chemicals and toxic metals including lead, mercury, and chromium. It is also illegal to put non-electronic thermometers and thermostats in the garbage can if they contain mercury bulbs. All of these products can be taken to any Green Citizen store in the bay area. There are lots of them. There is one in downtown Berkeley. Green Citizen will accept used electronic products for free disposal. If you have other things that you want to dispose of but can’t legally put in your garbage can, like paint or used motor oil, call me and I will tell you where you can take such items.