Beware Of Phony Credit Card Investigators.

One of the common methods identity thieves use to get information is by calling people on the phone posing as credit card fraud investigators. You may get a call from someone claiming to work for your bank or a fraud investigation firm. The caller tells you that an identity thief tried to charge something to your credit card. Ironically, the person calling is the identity thief! The caller asks you to confirm your credit card information with him. By ‘confirm’, the caller means that he wants you tell him your credit card number, your credit card security code number, or your driver’s license and social security numbers. You should hang up on all such calls. No bank will ever call you and ask you to tell them what your credit card number is. They already know it. They also know the security code number on the back of your credit card. They aren’t going to ask you to tell them that either.