A New Product For Hershey.

I know an executive at Hershey. Back in May, I sent him my best idea yet for a new Hershey product. You have probably seen commercials for Smucker’s jelly with the line “With a name like Smucker’s, it has to be good.” Smucker’s has been using that line in their TV commercials for over 50 years. The idea is that since the name Smucker’s sounds bad, the jelly has to taste good. Using that same logic, I have come up with 3 new Hershey products:

  • Hershey‘s Compound Fracture bar
  • Hershey‘s Painful Bowel Movement bar
  • Hershey‘s Searing Gas Pain bar. Plain or with Almonds

This marketing strategy works for Smucker’s, so why not Hershey? What do you think? This is the best marketing idea I’ve come to come up with, but from what I can see, it doesn’t look that Hershey is going to use it.