Have you heard about President Trump’s Diet Coke button? When Donald Trump moved into the White House, he had a wood box with a large button in the middle of it placed on the president’s desk. See picture below. Whenever President Trump pushed the button, a butler would come into the Oval Office with Diet Coke. The butler then followed a formal protocol or SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for serving Diet Coke. President Trump’s Diet Coke SOP has been published. Here it is.

1. The butler discreetly presents a small bottle of hand sanitizer. (Added to the procedure after Covid.)
2. The butler greets the president and presents a polished silver tray to the president for his inspection. On the tray are chilled bottles of Diet Coke and chilled glasses, some with ice in them and some without ice.
3. The butler asks the president if he wants his Diet Coke with or without ice. There is an ice protocol that governs the size, shape, and number of ice cubes to be placed in the glass. Donald Trump prefers ice cubes to shaved ice in his cold beverages. So do I.
4. The butler then opens the bottles in front of the president and never not out of his sight. (Donald Trump has a fear of being poisoned.)

5. The butler is to hold the bottle opener by the lower third and the bottle of Diet Coke in the same position while removing the bottle cap. (See photo below.)
6. The butler is to place the glass of Diet Coke on President Trump’s right-hand side with a cocktail napkin underneath. There is also a napkin protocol.

Donald Trump drinks a lot of Diet Coke, and I mean A LOT of Diet Coke. According to numerous published reports, Trump drinks 12 bottles and/or cans of Diet Coke every day. Frankly, I don’t see how that is possible. How could anyone drink 12 bottles of Diet Coke a day? You know, some people do drink a staggering amount of soda. I know someone who had coronary bypass surgery, and he drinks a minimum of 3 one-liter bottles of regular Coca Cola every day. Have you looked at the largest size soft drink cups at fast food restaurants? They are huge. Below is a picture of a boy drinking a 64-ounce Big Gulp from 7-11.

One of the first things Joe Biden did when he moved into the White House was to remove the Diet Coke button from the president’s desk. I wonder what they did with it. That’s the kind of presidential memorabilia that sells for big bucks at auctions. I know people who would love to have a Diet Coke button and a Diet Coke butler. My nephew said that the Diet Coke button was: “the best thing he (Trump) ever did as president.” I suppose that my nephew could make his own Diet Coke button, but it would be useless because he doesn’t have a Diet Coke butler. Who has a Diet Coke butler?