I have a theory about this. We elect Democrats because we want the stuff they promise to give us, and then we elect Republicans when we get the bill for that stuff and don’t want to pay it. We don’t want to give up the stuff that we got from the Democrats. We just don’t want to pay for it.

Lyndon Johnson (Democrat) was elected president in 1964 in a landslide. He created Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, federal funding for public schools, federal college grants, the school breakfast program, and a lot of other very expensive ‘Great Society’ programs, all while fighting a major war in Vietnam, and without raising taxes to pay for any of this. When the bills came due for the war and Johnson’s Great Society programs, taxes went up, so we elected Ronald Reagan (Republican) in a landslide. Reagan promised (and delivered) big tax cuts, but without getting rid of or even cutting back any of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society programs. Predictably, the federal deficit skyrocketed. In the 8 years that Reagan was president, total Federal debt tripled.

The problem isn’t the Democrats or the Republicans. It’s us. We want stuff from the government, expensive stuff, but we don’t want to pay for it. Every democracy around the world seems to have this same problem. After touring America in 1830, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote: ‘Democracy works, but only until the people realize that they hold the keys to the Treasury.’

New in The Chocolate Room.

Fleur de Sel Caramels. I now have fleur de sel caramels. I don’t make these caramels myself, but I know someone who does, a woman from Holland who makes them really well. We trade chocolate for caramels. Fleur de sel is a type of sea salt. It looks like snow flakes. Fleur de sel is the top layer of newly crystallized sea salt. Most of it comes from Brittany in France, where it is hand harvested. The stuff is expensive, but a little bit goes a long way. I also have unsalted caramels.

Barack Obama. Shortly after he was elected president, Barack Obama told a reporter that his favorite candy was fleur de sel caramels, and immediately, demand for this candy skyrocketed. Before Obama was elected president, nobody ever asked me for fleur de sel caramels. Now everybody wants them. Ronald Reagan did the same thing for Jelly Bellies. Jelly Bellies used to be made in a small factory near the Oakland airport. After Reagan was elected president and it became known that Jelly Bellies were his favorite candy, sales took off. Over 3 tons of Jelly Bellies were sent to the White House for Ronald Reagan’s inauguration in 1981. The Jelly Belly factory in Fairfield has the best factory tour in the bay area, and it’s free. It’s a great place to take families with kids.