Where Is Christopher Columbus Buried?

Christopher Columbus really is buried in Spain and the Dominican Republic. At least that’s what I tell my students. He may also be buried in Cuba. Christopher Columbus was initially buried in Spain, but his body was dug up and reburied so many times that historians don’t know where it is. His body was dug up and reburied once in Spain before being dug up again and shipped to the Dominican Republic and reburied there. In 1795, France took over the island of Hispaniola, where the Dominican Republic is located. The Spanish dug up what they believed to be Columbus’ bones and shipped them to Havana, Cuba for yet another reburial; however, we are not sure they got the right bones. When Spain lost the Spanish-American War in 1898, they dug up the bones yet again and shipped them back to Spain. Today, there is a magnificent tomb of Christopher Columbus in the Seville Cathedral in Spain, but there is another equally magnificent tomb of Christopher Columbus in a cathedral in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. Both countries have documents to support their claims that they have Christopher Columbus’ remains. In addition, there is a marked grave in a cemetery in Havana where the Cuban government claims that Christopher Columbus is buried. It is highly unlikely that we will ever know for sure where Christopher Columbus is actually buried. This is a touchy subject in all the countries that claim to have Columbus’ bones.